Southern Michigan Weimaraner Club Walking Field Trial
22, 2010 Highland,
The weather was not very cooperative. Friday night there were thunderstorms which added humidity to the grounds. Saturday was humid and warm. We ran two courses-one for broke dogs and the other for Puppy & Derby. This was the first time we had both Amateur and Open Derby and Puppy stakes at a walking trial. It allowed more opportunity for puppy and derby points. The judges liked the idea of the opportunities to receive both types of points also. The dogs and handlers were feeling the humidity, but there were some very nice runs. There was a period where the rain pelted everyone- including the birds already out in the field. (We want to thank Cyril Beaven for his “request” to just have a little cloud come over when his dog was running-so much for the little cloud!)
Thanks go to all the workers. As gunners, Jeff Gritzinger and Dick Dunnuck handled the call back situations with expertise. June Beaven was an excellent line marshal. Matt and Jeff Johnston planted the birds. Amanda Lester used her deli expertise to make sandwiches for the luncheon. Kelly Lester was excellent as chairperson of the trial. Everyone pitched in to make this a wonderful trial.
Open Gun Dog
1st Place: Gunnem Down Adolph (GSP), R Schmeider
2nd Place: Wynot Winston Kirby, MH (Pointer), W Davis
3rd Place: CH Remington Grand Teton Ranger, SH (Pointer), J Bryant-Vilwock/P Vilwock
4th Place: Takablu Porter Burns, (Vizsla), M Burns/K Burns
Amateur Gun Dog
1st Place: Gunnem Down Adolph (GSP), R Schmeider
2nd Place: Withheld
3rd Place: Withheld
4th Place: CH Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, CD, JH (Weim) K Lester/M Lester
Open Derby
1st Place: Withheld
2nd Place: CH Windswept's Ring Of Fire (GWP), L Sargent/M Sargent
3rd Place: Withheld
Amateur Derby
1st Place: Bentbridge Rowdy P.B. Floyd (GSP), T Evans
2nd Place: Siren's Song Ajax (GSP), T Hodulik
3rd Place: Palimar's Heiress By Chance (Weim), M Lester/A Lester
4th Place: Zauberhaft's Celestial Storm Tracker, TD (Weim), L Swanson/C Conklin
Open Puppy
1st Place: Bentbridge P B's Ellie (GSP), T Evans/J Donley
2nd Place: Echoing Meadows Crousing Cowboy (Weim), D Gritzinger
3rd Place: Shotgun's Devils Loose in Dixie (Weim) R Dunnuck/K Dunnuck
4th Place: Palimar's No Fear Bella By Chance (Weim) J Johnston/M Johnston
Amateur Puppy
1st Place: Siren's Song Athena (GSP), T Hodulik 2nd Place: Woofgang Rox My World, JH (GSP), Z Kasprzak 3rd Place: Bentbridge P B's Ellie (GSP), T Evans/J Donley 4th Place: Palimar's Heiress By Chance (Weim), M Lester/A Lester